Prevention of pressure ulcers
This page provides a concise summary of the best available knowledge on pressure ulcers and their prevention
If you want to read more
the references appear at the bottom of the page.
What are pressure ulcers
The most pressurised places on the body
The sacrum is the most typical site, followed by the ischium and the heels.
Overweight people often get pressure sores on their heels due to the increased weight of their legs.
Underweight people often get pressure ulcers on the sacrum due to lack of subcutaneous fat padding.
Pressure ulcers can also typically occur on upper extremities at the elbows and shoulders; on the back at the spine and shoulder blades; at the iliac crest, tailbone, on the buttocks; on lower extremities at the knees, knee caps, calves and ankles; on toes; on the back of the head, ears and nose.
30 degree side positioning
Pressure ulcers in children
Risk factors for pressure injuries in children are;
- Immobility
- Prematurity
- Reduced perception (for example due to loss of consciousness, medication and paralysis)
- Critical illness
- Use of medical equipment
Who is at risk of developing pressure ulcers
- Overweight
- Underweight
- Acute and critically ill
- Older
- Bedridden
- People with spinal cord injury
- People with diabetes
- Palliative persons
- Children (especially due to medical equipment)
- Persons with reduced functional capacity
The four categories of pressure ulcers
Guidelines for job changes
Wounds & wound care - A basic book in nursing Bermark,S.,Melby,B.Ø.(ed.),2017.FADL.
Most pressure ulcers are preventable Lindholm,C.,Sommer,C.,Fremmelevholm,A.,2018.Fag & Forskning.,Trialog 4,p.22-35.
Prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers/pressure injuries. Main excerpts from the guideline European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP),National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP), Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance (PPPIA),2019.
Mobility and immobility Knygle Hansen,B.,Dam Schmidt,R.,2011.Chapter 11,in: Suhr,L.K.,Winther,B.(Ed.),Basisbog i nursing - body and well-being.Munksgaard Denmark,Copenhagen,p.311-344.
A randomised controlled clinical trial of repositioning, using the 30° tilt, for the prevention of pressure ulcers Moore,Z.,Cowman,S.,Conroy,R.M.,2011.Journal of Clinical Nursing.20,2633-2644.
Pressure ulcers: Prevention and management Mervis,J.S.,Phillips,T.J.,2019.Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.81,893-902.
Pressure injuries in children are underreported Søgaard,K.,Sørensen,J.A.,2020.Ugeskrift for Læger.182.
National Clinical Guideline for the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers in Adults Over 18 Skovgaard,B.,Secretariat,Working Group,2020.Sundhedsstyrelsen.